Cheap Thrills - Do you smell what I'm cookin'?

Hi all! We're halfway through the week - hooray! Hope everyone is having a good one.

So, I wanted to theme today's Cheap Thrills with smells...I know, sounds weird, but as Jimmy John's says, "Smells are free!"

Here are my favorite cheap thrills - scented edition!
  • Chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven...holy YUM
  • Freshly baked french bread
  • Sauteed garlic
  • Irish spring soap...I've always liked that scent

By the way...I plan on adding more items to Coley's Closet Clearance within the next day or two and will be heavily discounting the items available now!

And, surrrriously someone needs to purchase the red Bebe dress, it really is so stunning in person.
And now on to the feature of the day - enjoy!

Cheap Thrills - Each Item Less Than $25

Items in this set: