WTF Friday: Mr. & Mrs. Roper Edition

Good morning, all!

Today's edition of WTF Friday features two Roper replicas-you know, the Ropers from Three's Company?!

So, first up is Joe Jonas sporting a heinous suit...

Oh Joe...besides looking like a Roper replica, he could also be auditioning for a Pee Wee Herman role. Joe-repita por favor, no more fugly suits from 1977, ever.

And then there is the gorgeous Kristen Bell, who, in my opinion, dresses impeccably 95% of the time. Enter the 5%...

Kristen?! Girlfriend? Did you thief some window treatments and fasten them around your teeny little self? This frock does nothing for look like a fudgesicle-or maybe that's a fug- sicle. Please return to the light, happy & lovely dresses you normally sport!

Any WTFs to share?!